Saturday, 29 August 2009


A big thanks again to all of you who stopped by to watch us at Fibbers on Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed the new song too! We were definitely ready to play as we hadn't seen each other for a month for all our busy lives outside of the 'Ghosts! We couldn't wait to play a gig that, although featured most of the usual songs, somehow seemed quite fresh and had a real energy about it.
When asked what it felt like to have played after a month off, Ant replied, "Playing these songs tonight felt like being re-united with an old friend!"

Friend and fan of the band, Daymo Sweeting, said "You have so many great songs; your set was too short to fit them all in!" as he leaves the venue wanting more!!

Look out for video blogs, further updates and forthcoming shows.....

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Life Outside Hungry Ghosts

Hello one and all...

It seems like we haven't been in touch for a while, although it probably is actually just a few days!
The reason for that is because we have been very busy people, but not necessarily just with Hungry Ghosts! (Yes, we are capable of other things!). In fact, everyone has been working on exciting projects outside of the 'Hungry Ghosts' Empire lately.

Ant has started his new photography project which concentrates on live music but also other areas of image capturing. Have a look at the site:

James has been continuing working on a side project with our very good friends at 'Radio Gypsy' and has returned to writing a musical in preparation for a youth theatre project in his hometown in August which tries to encourage children into the Arts, which has had a positive response in his previous years.

Clark has also been musical theatre-ing. Last week he got a 9-show job playing drums for the sold out 60's musical 'Hairspray'.

And Adam has taken his songwriting talents and started working with James on some new tracks to take into the rehearsal studio. Even at at these early stages they have great potential so expect more great songs once we've run our grubby little mits through them!

But maybe more importantly Adam has been helping to keep the alcohol industry alive as we discovered when he was found unconscious with his head inside the toilet bowl!

From inside the Hungry Ghosts camp, album plans are underway with recording expected to start in Autumn!!

In the meantime, if you've not seen the new 'Spider Season' video it is on all of our sites. Let us know what you think too as your opinions matter. You are the fans after all!!

Talk soon